Rewire Fitness Podcast
Dedicated to helping athletes at all levels unlock their ultimate performance by improving mental toughness, sharp decision making, and mind/body recovery. The Rewire team interviews leading scientists, coaches, athletes, and experts in the fields of neuroscience, sports science, psychology, strength and conditioning, wellness and beyond. Join our community of athletes on Strava, social, and via our weekly newsletter to find out more about brain training for athletes.
Rewire Fitness Podcast
Overcoming setbacks, finding resilience, and avoiding burnout with Eloise Du Luart, Professional Triathlete
Rewire Fitness
Season 2
Episode 5
In this episode, Eloise du Luart shares her approach to training performance and how she handles injuries, overcomes setbacks, and maintains a healthy balance without burnout. Eloise shares many unique insights into her training mentality as a professional triathlete.